Here’s a story for children all about generosity.
We live in a world of extreme wealth disparity, with some people having huge material abundance, and others unable to meet their basic needs. It’s unfortunate that this is the world that our children are growing up into, but it’s important that they find open-hearted strategies for dealing with it.
This is where stories can be helpful. By introducing unfamiliar challenges and then demonstrating how to navigate them positively, a good story gives children tools for a happier life.
I’ve dedicated my life to this hope – that present and future generations of children can find ways of thriving as they grapple with the immense challenges that humanity is creating for itself. Thriving means sailing with the winds of change rather than being capsized by them. How do children learn such strategies?
When children are small, their parents can make choices about the sort of stories they absorb. I’ve no idea how much this helps, but I do believe that everything helps! Every kind word, every affectionate hug, every story that leaves them with positive strategies for navigating life.

So here’s The Farmer’s Gifts. It’s all about a farmer on her way to market with her cart overflowing with produce to sell. By the side of the road she encounters a young girl, close to starvation. What to do? How best to help?
It turns out that the more she helps, the more magic starts to unfold in her own life. The story becomes more and more miraculous until her whole community is transformed.
And all this from some simple, kind acts? Well, why not? Deep in my heart, I know that love is the most powerful thing in the universe. If there’s anything that can see us through life’s earthquakes, it is love. So let’s have stories all about how powerful love and generosity are!
My wife Sundara composed some beautiful music to accompany this story, which brings all that magic to life.
You can listen to the free audio recording below.
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