Here’s a story for children all about losing and finding. Although it’s a colourful tale all about a Princess and a Peddler, it actually has an underlying message that goes deeper.

We are all from a larger place. We all emanate from a consciousness far vaster than the one with which we live here on the Earth. This story talks in metaphorical language about this loss, the awareness of which lives inside each one of us.

Losing our “true home” in this way is one of the central traumas of being human. It lodges inside us, deep down, sometimes manifesting as feelings of shame, or guilt, or having done something wrong along the way.

But nothing wrong has happened. The “fall” to Earth, that spiritual beings take in order to enact profound learning they couldn’t come by elsewhere, is entirely intended. The density of this world, the immense challenges it places upon us in multiple ways, is all part of the plan.

Forgetting is the hardest part of this, however. Forgetting that we are, and have always been, a radiant spiritual being who is just here for a short time, and who has a far vaster context in which to play out our intended evolution.

Remembering, then, is the sweetest of all blessings. Remembering that we are not ultimately limited by our Earthly circumstances, however heavily they seem to press upon us. Remembering that we have done nothing wrong and that all our “mistakes” are just twists and turns on a long journey home.

Forgetting and remembering works quite well as a theme for a children’s story, because children are always forgetting things! It’s one of the things that newly born spiritual beings struggle with in the transition to living as a human being on the Earth. Here, “things” are extremely important (especially in our culture) and learning to take care of them is vital. All children have a challenge with this, and take years to properly take care of their possessions (I have teenagers who are still working on it!).

In it, two women from very different backgrounds aid each other in remembering – one that she is actually a noble Princess from another land, and the other that the most important thing is to love and honour the people and places most important to us.

You can find the story here: The Peddler and the Princess.

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