
Telling Intuitive Stories to Children

Self study course for parents, grandparents, educators and therapists.

This course will teach you how to tell stories “in the moment” and from the heart. You will learn how to listen to your inner wisdom and allow it to flow into story-form. By the end of the course you will know how to tell spontaneous stories that express the values that most matter to you.

You also will discover a fun and enjoyable way of spending quality time with children, while at the same time developing your creativity and intuition!

You will learn

  • How to cultivate a creative and collaborative relationship with your intuition.
  • How to receive the stories your inner storyteller wants to tell you.
  • How to create the perfect conditions for telling a story, so that it has a special time and place in your day.

You’ll map out the values that matter most to you, and then learn how to communicate them to children in an imaginative and non-didactic way. Rather than just drawing stories from your own life experience, you will learn to tell stories from a deeper storehouse, using the language and symbolism of fairy tales.

The time for fairy tales

When your children are small their demands on you can feel overwhelming. They seem to want all of your energy, and then more. There are probably times when you find yourself asking “when will this end? I can’t take any more!”

But the truth is that this period in their lives, and in your life, is relatively short. By the time they are nine or ten they will start pivoting away from you as their primary source of information about the world, and as they start to become more independent they will stop pulling so strongly on you and your energy.

This is also the time in their lives when they start to move away from the fairy tales they so loved as small children, and start seeking out more sophisticated and worldly stories.

A precious window

So you really have a precious window of opportunity in which to tell them your stories. And that window happens at the time when their demands on you are greatest.

This course is a chance to give them what they want more than anything else at this time: your full attention. And to do so in a way that speaks the language that they understand best: the language of fairy tales.

I loved everything about this course! It allowed me to really dive into the wonderful world of intuition through one of my favorite things: storytelling.

It was an amazing journey that offered me the trust I needed to really dive in the unknown. Step by step the course built the stairs that brought me to a space where I was able to play and have fun with my intuition in creating stories for kids, friends and myself.

Thank you, Leo, for the work you are doing out there and your love of storytelling. This is such important work!

Arielle Prince-Ferron, Quebec

My story

I’ve gone through this with my own kids, so here’s a little of my story. I’ve been a storyteller since 1989. Intuitive Storytelling has grown out of my twin loves of stories and the inner life.

When my kids were about three I found they could just about follow a simple, short spoken story at bedtime. A year later they could easily listen to a ten minute story, and with each passing year could listen for longer.

Over a four year period I told my kids over one thousand intuitive stories at bedtime, pretty much one every night. It was a beautiful time for us all. I got to express my life’s calling with my own kids, and they got to hear lots and lots of stories. Now it’s my great pleasure to share the principles of intuitive storytelling so that parents, grandparents, educators and therapists can share intuitive stories with the children in their lives.

Leo and Family

This dive into the intuitive realm – the magical and mystical – feels so refreshing, and I believe,  so important, for interdependent wellbeing on this planet.

I can’t see how the course could be any better. Your attention to detail is so good. The materials and recordings so supportive. Your knowledge, commitment, experience, care, positivity, and intention all come together beautifully to become an oasis, a tender and transformative space!

Adele Russell, North Carolina.

How it works

The course comprises eight audio lessons with PDF notes

The course will build up step by step, with practical assignments for each lesson. You will get clear written instructions with each assignment, as well as some audio demonstrations.

You don’t need to have done any storytelling before, or even have been engaged in stories in any form. You just need to come with an open mind and a readiness to make some creative leaps. However, this training is not for everyone; see below “This training doesn’t work for everyone”.


Lesson Plan

Practical Details

Self Study Course

8 audio lessons
PDF notes
Audio instructions for assignments
Price: £150 Buy the Course now

This training doesn’t work for everyone, however


Click here to see if you would be a fit for this training.

Over many years of teaching people intuitive storytelling I’ve found that there’s a small percentage of people who really struggle to tell their own intuitive stories. And these are people who do not see internal images.

This might be you, and there’s an easy way to check. When you come to the end of this paragraph, close your eyes and picture an apple in your imagination. It can be any apple you like, of any colour, and in any location. Just try it now.

Did you see an apple? Perhaps it was a red one, a green one, or just a pencil sketch of one. It might be an apple sitting in a bowl, on a table, or even still on the tree. Maybe someone was eating this apple, or it was just hovering in the air, rotating slowly!

For most people, when given this task, they’ll see the apple. For some people, there’s nothing. No picture at all. There’s nothing wrong with this, it just means that your imagination doesn’t work through visual images.

If that’s the case, then this training will be hard going for you. My method relies heavily on being able to see inner images: they lead the story. There are other intuitive signs, such as hearing inner dialogues, and just getting a feel for what is happening next, but the images are essential.

So, I wanted to be straight with you about that!

If you are really, really keen to take this training anyway, then I would suggest working on your ability to see inner images. I imagine it can be done, with practice. If you have any further questions about this, do feel free to email me here.

Any Questions?

5 + 1 =

Dear Leo,
I am deeply grateful to you for putting together the steps needed to create stories from the inner realm (amazing!), deeply touched that you are sharing this with us and so grateful to you that you are offering all this at affordable prices.

Svetlana Saljic, Slovenia

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