Where is magic to be found? In what you are already familiar with?

No, magic turns up where you least expect it. Have you ever noticed that if you are really, really searching for something, you think you see it out of the corner of your eye? Your room is suddenly filled with this thing, just around the edges of what you know.

This is a simple little story for children that uses this phenomenon as a metaphor for something larger. Because life can be like this too: if we really search for something, sometimes find it in the least expected places.

Intuition also works this way. Intuition works around the edges of what we know. Indeed, to expand our capacity to receive intuitive information we need to intentionally become comfortable with “not knowing”, being skeptical about that part of us (our rational mind) which thinks it has all the answers.

Letting go of this most prized faculty can feel scary, like falling from a place of safety. But it is a necessary step towards living in a more intuitive way. Now life can find us on its own terms. Being open to the unknown, we are more available to life. This is how magic comes to us, not from what we can see straight ahead of us, but out of the corner of our eye!

The story tells of a boy who discovers this unusual phenomenon and takes it one step further: now when the teacher asks him questions at school, he only needs to stare hard at the blackboard and the answer will appear to him out of the corner of his eye!

When his girlfriend needs comforting, instead of trying to figure her out, he just lets his words come from this place too, with much happier results.

Eventually the boy realises that this is where magic comes from and decides to become a wizard. “All my best spells came to me out of the corner of my eye!”

You can find the story here: Where Magic Happens

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